Which of the following orbitals designations are not possible? explain why. A: 8s, 2d, 7p, 4f, 1f. B: 3f, 6p, 3d,1p, 8d.

A: 2d & 1f do not exist

B: 3f & 1p do not exist

The 1st number is the principle energy level (ring number) and the letter is the orbital shape. The max number of orbitals per energy level is defined by the value of n. That is, n=1 has only 1 orbital;i.e., s-orbital ... n=2 has 2 orbitals; s-orbital & p-orbitals; n=3 has 3 orbitals; s, p & d orbitals, and so forth... For your 'A' choice, d-orbitals don't show until the n=3 energy level and f-orbitals until n=4. Therefore 2d and 1f do not exist. For B: 3f & 1p do not exist. f-orbitals show in n=4 and p-orbitals in n=2.


In order to determine which orbital designations are not possible, we need to understand the rules that govern the ordering and filling of orbitals.

The orbitals are organized into different energy levels, or shells, denoted by the principal quantum number (n). The allowed values of n are positive integers starting from 1. Each shell can contain one or more subshells, designated by letters. The subshells are further divided into individual orbitals, which are represented by combinations of the subshell letters and a numerical superscript representing the number of the orbital within the subshell.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

A: 8s, 2d, 7p, 4f, 1f.

1. 8s: This designation is not possible because the maximum value for the principal quantum number (n) is 7. Therefore, an 8s orbital does not exist.

2. 2d: This designation is valid. The "d" subshell can accommodate a maximum of 10 electrons, and it starts at the third energy level (n = 3).

3. 7p: This designation is valid. The "p" subshell can accommodate a maximum of 6 electrons and starts at the second energy level (n = 2).

4. 4f: This designation is valid. The "f" subshell can accommodate a maximum of 14 electrons and starts at the fourth energy level (n = 4).

5. 1f: This designation is not possible. The "f" subshell starts at the fourth energy level (n = 4), so there are no "f" orbitals in the first energy level (n = 1).

B: 3f, 6p, 3d, 1p, 8d.

1. 3f: This designation is not possible. The "f" subshell starts at the fourth energy level (n = 4), so there are no "f" orbitals in the third energy level (n = 3).

2. 6p: This designation is valid. The "p" subshell can accommodate a maximum of 6 electrons and starts at the second energy level (n = 2).

3. 3d: This designation is valid. The "d" subshell can accommodate a maximum of 10 electrons and starts at the third energy level (n = 3).

4. 1p: This designation is valid. The "p" subshell can accommodate a maximum of 6 electrons and starts at the second energy level (n = 2).

5. 8d: This designation is not possible because the maximum value for the principal quantum number (n) is 7. Therefore, an 8d orbital does not exist.

In summary, the not possible orbital designations are:

A: 8s, 1f
B: 3f, 8d

To determine which of the orbital designations are not possible, we need to understand the proper order of filling of orbitals according to the Aufbau principle.

The Aufbau principle states that electrons are filled into orbitals in order of increasing energy. The order of filling is based on the energy levels and sublevels of the orbitals.

In this case, the orbitals are designated using the numbers and letters system. The numbers represent energy levels (1, 2, 3, etc.), and the letters represent sublevels (s, p, d, f).

The order of filling is as follows:
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p

Now, let's analyze each set of orbital designations:

A: 8s, 2d, 7p, 4f, 1f
The only designation that is not possible in this set is 8s. According to the order of filling, the energy level cannot go higher than 7. Therefore, an 8s orbital does not exist.

B: 3f, 6p, 3d, 1p, 8d
In this set, the not possible designations are 3f, 1p, and 8d. According to the order of filling, the f-orbitals start at energy level 4, so a 3f orbital does not exist. Similarly, the p-orbitals start at energy level 2, so a 1p orbital does not exist. Finally, as mentioned earlier, the highest energy level is 7, so an 8d orbital does not exist.

In summary, for set A, the not possible orbital designation is 8s, while for set B, the not possible orbital designations are 3f, 1p, and 8d. These designations violate the order of filling orbitals according to the Aufbau principle.