think about the work you completed in your reading role determine the ideas that would be most worthy to share in a literary discussion about walk to moons provide an explanation for your choices how did the role you selected and the work you completed help you to understand more about the text support your response with at lease two pieces of evidences from the novel. Please can anyone explain this question? Thanks so much.

What the answer?

What work did you complete in your reading role?

Which idea do you think would make a good literary discussion?

This question is asking you to think about the work you have completed in your reading role and identify the ideas that you believe are most significant to share in a literary discussion about the book "Walk Two Moons." In order to answer this question, you will need to explain how the role you selected and the work you completed helped you gain a better understanding of the text. You should support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.

To answer this question, start by analyzing the specific reading role you took on. For example, if you were analyzing the character development in the novel, you would want to consider how your role helped you gain insight into the complexities of the characters and their relationships.

Next, think about the work you completed in that role. Did you focus on a specific character's journey, the author's use of symbolism, or the theme of identity? Identify the ideas that stand out the most to you and are worthy of being discussed in a literary discussion.

Now, you need to explain why you chose these particular ideas. Did they provide a deeper understanding of the characters or the overall message of the story? Cite evidence from the novel to support your choices. For example, if you focused on the theme of identity, you might discuss how Salamanca's journey to discover who she truly is mirrors the reader's own journey of self-discovery. Quote specific passages or scenes from the book that illustrate this point.

Remember to provide clear explanations for your choices and use evidence from the novel to support your claims. By doing so, you will effectively demonstrate how your selected role and completed work helped you gain a better understanding of "Walk Two Moons."