Can you help me? For the problem .6 is 266 2/3% of what number? would I change 266 2/3% to a decimal and put it over 100?

266 2/3%

= 800/3 %
= 800/300
= 8/3

so (8/3)x = .6
x = 1.8/8 = .225

Yes, to solve the problem, you would change 266 2/3% to a decimal and put it over 100.

To convert a mixed number to a decimal, you first need to convert the fraction part to a decimal.

To convert 2/3 to a decimal, you divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (3):
2 รท 3 = 0.66667

Then, you add the whole number part (266) to the decimal part (0.66667):
266 + 0.66667 = 266.66667

Finally, you convert the decimal to a percent by moving the decimal point two places to the right and adding the percent symbol:
266.66667 becomes 266.66667%.

So, .6 is indeed equivalent to 266 2/3%.

Yes, to solve the problem, you need to change 266 2/3% to a decimal and put it over 100. Here is how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction 266 2/3 into an improper fraction.
To convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (266) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and add the numerator (2). In this case, 266 * 3 + 2 = 800.

Step 2: Write the improper fraction as a percentage.
To convert the improper fraction to a percentage, divide the numerator (800) by the denominator (3) and multiply by 100. So, 800/3 * 100 = 26,666.666...

Step 3: Change the decimal into a percentage.
Since the question already states that it is a percentage, we don't need to do anything further.

So, 266 2/3% can be written as the decimal 26,666.666..., but for simplicity, we can round it to 26,666.67%.

To find out what number .6 is 266 2/3% of, you would now set up the equation:

x = .6 * 26,666.67

Solving the equation would give you the answer to the problem.