If the width of a window is (x+7) inches and the length is (x+9) inches, then give the expression which represents the area of the window use the formula area=base.Height. if ×=8 inches, find the area of the window using the expression you found in part a

This question was answered here, why are you repeating it ?


Because I could not find it reiny!!!!

To find the expression that represents the area of the window, we can use the formula given: area = base * height.

In this case, the base of the window is the width (x+7) inches, and the height is the length (x+9) inches.

So the expression representing the area of the window would be:

Area = (x+7) * (x+9)

Now, let's substitute x with 8 inches, as given in the question:

Area = (8+7) * (8+9)
Area = 15 * 17
Area = 255 square inches

Therefore, the area of the window using the expression (x+7) * (x+9) when x = 8 inches is 255 square inches.