Jill gets 1.5 her hourly rate after she works 40 hours. She worked 52 hours and earned 638. What is her hourly rate?

I ALWAYS get a repeating decimal! I need help!
40x- 12(1.5x)= 638
26.66...-12x= 638
Now what do I do? It's a repeating decimal!

40 r + 12 (1.5 r) = 638

(why did you subtract, she earns more for those 12 hours)

58 r = 638

r = 11

To solve the equation 26.66...-12x=638, we need to handle the repeating decimal. One approach is to convert the repeating decimal into a fraction. Let's call the repeating decimal y, then we have:

y = 26.666...

To eliminate the repeating decimal, multiply both sides of the equation by 10 to get:

10y = 266.666...

Now, subtract the original equation from the new one:

10y - y = 266.666... - 26.666...

Simplifying the right side, we have:

9y = 240

Divide both sides of the equation by 9 to solve for y:

y = 240 / 9
y = 26.666...

Thus, the repeating decimal 26.666... can be expressed as a fraction 240/9.

Now, substitute this fraction back into the equation:

240/9 - 12x = 638

Simplify the equation:

240 - 108x = 638

Next, isolate the x term by subtracting 240 from both sides:

-108x = 398

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by -108 to solve for x:

x = 398 / -108

Simplify the fraction:

x = -3.685

Therefore, Jill's hourly rate is approximately -3.685. However, since hourly rates cannot be negative, there might be a mistake in the calculations. I would recommend rechecking the equation to ensure correctness.