I have a Language Arts review crossword, and one hint is "Scrooge and Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol". The word is 10 letters long, and has an E as the eighth letter. Thanks!


Thank you so Much!

You're very welcome.

To find the answer to this crossword clue, you can start by recalling the characters from Charles Dickens' famous novel "A Christmas Carol." In this specific hint, it mentions Scrooge and Tiny Tim. Scrooge is the main character, while Tiny Tim is a young boy who plays a significant role in the story.

Now, let's focus on the length of the word and the clue that the eighth letter is E. With this information, we know that the word we are looking for has ten letters and E as its eighth letter.

Taking all these details into account, the word that fits this description is "Cratchit." The Cratchit family includes Bob Cratchit, the father of Tiny Tim.

So, the answer to this crossword clue is "Cratchit."