What are the answer for number 3 and 4 in week 17 for 4th grade??..

I have absolutely no idea ... and giving you answers would be cheating, anyway!!

Do not cheat!


As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific school materials like textbooks or worksheets. However, I can help explain how you can find the answers to questions related to your 4th-grade syllabus.

For question 3 and 4 in week 17 of your 4th-grade studies, you can follow these steps:

1. Review your class materials: Go through your textbooks, worksheets, or any other resources provided by your teacher. Check if there are any relevant topics or exercises that relate to the questions.

2. Consult your teacher or classmates: If you still can't find the answers in your materials, it's always a good idea to ask your teacher or discuss with your classmates. They may have additional guidance or remember where to find the answers.

3. Online resources: Look for reputable educational websites that offer resources for 4th-grade mathematics. There are plenty of websites that provide practice exercises and sample questions similar to what you may be studying. You can search for specific topics or concepts related to the questions and attempt similar problems to develop your understanding.

4. Educational apps or software: Consider using educational apps or software designed for 4th-grade math. Many of these resources offer interactive lessons and exercises that can help reinforce your understanding of various concepts.

Remember, it's essential to actively participate in your learning process. Take notes, complete practice exercises, and ask questions when needed. Building a strong foundation in mathematics requires consistent effort and practice.