Which function rule represents the data in the table

X|-3|-2|-1|0 |1
Y|1 |-2|-5|-8|-11

A. Y=-3x-8
B. Y=1/3x-8***?
C. Y=1/3x+8
D. Y=-3x+8

Its d

is it D???

bro its A

whole test answers plz

yo hu you behind on ur lessons too?

As of 2023 it’s y=3x-8 or C.

Random is wrong the answer is

A. y= -3x - 8

It's y = 3x - 8

It’s d

clearly B is wrong, since

1/3 (-3) - 8 = -1-8 = -9

Note that y changes by -3 when x changes by 1. So, the slope is -3.

So, check A and D to see which works.