Alana tosses 2 number cubes. She wins if she rolls double sixes Find P (Alana wins)

of the 36 possible outcomes, only one is 6,6

if you make a chart of all outcomes you will see.

then you count them up.
6x6=36 so... 1/36 0.02777777777 or 0.02%

Thank you Steve....

Thanks i really needed the help

i need help on this tooo, whats the answer

I don't understand how to make the sample space. It's confusing. Can anyone help

Sample space is ez

To find the probability of Alana winning, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

The total number of possible outcomes is the number of possible outcomes for each number cube rolled multiplied together. Since each number cube has 6 possible outcomes (numbers 1 through 6), the total number of possible outcomes is 6 * 6 = 36.

The number of favorable outcomes is the number of ways Alana can roll double sixes. Since she needs to roll a 6 on both number cubes, there is only 1 favorable outcome.

Therefore, the probability of Alana winning (rolling double sixes) is given by:

P(Alana wins) = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes = 1/36

So, the probability of Alana winning is 1/36.

Anser 22