1. Saber o conocer?

Ellos _______ a Silvia.
A) conozco
B) sabemos
C) sabe
D) conocen ***

3. El correo electrónico _______ para enviar información rápidamente.
A) sirve ***
B) sirvo
C) servimos
D) sirves

4. What role do Hispanic organizations play on the campuses of the technology universities mentioned in the lesson?
A) They provide support to Hispanic and Latino students on campus. ***
B) They offer housing to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
C) They offer separate classes to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
D) They provide English classes for Hispanic and Latino students on campus

5. What achievement did Álvarez accomplish with his son?
A) He developed a method to detonate the atomic bomb. ***
B) He founded a technological university in Hawaii.
C) He published an article on subatomic particles.
D) He developed a theory on the extinction of dinosaurs.

thank you @PsyDAG

Number 2 is C and the rest are correct except 5. Which is D

1. To answer this question, we need to understand the difference between the Spanish verbs "saber" and "conocer".

- "Saber" is used to express knowledge or information about facts, skills, or how to do something. It is often followed by an infinitive verb or a noun.
- "Conocer" is used to express familiarity or personal acquaintance with people, places, or things.

In the given sentence, "Ellos _______ a Silvia", we need to choose the correct verb. Since "Ellos" refers to a group of people and they are familiar with Silvia, the correct option would be "D) conocen". Therefore, the correct answer is "D) conocen".

3. In this question, we need to choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence "El correo electrónico _______ para enviar información rápidamente".

The options are:
A) sirve
B) sirvo
C) servimos
D) sirves

The correct form of the verb in this context is "sirve" because it agrees with the subject "correo electrónico" (email). So, the correct answer is "A) sirve".

4. To answer this question, we need to understand the role of Hispanic organizations on the campuses of technology universities mentioned in the lesson. The options are:

A) They provide support to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
B) They offer housing to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
C) They offer separate classes to Hispanic and Latino students on campus.
D) They provide English classes for Hispanic and Latino students on campus.

From the given options, the correct answer is "A) They provide support to Hispanic and Latino students on campus." This means that Hispanic organizations play a role in providing support for Hispanic and Latino students on technology university campuses.

5. To answer this question, we need to understand the achievement of Álvarez mentioned in the lesson. The options are:

A) He developed a method to detonate the atomic bomb.
B) He founded a technological university in Hawaii.
C) He published an article on subatomic particles.
D) He developed a theory on the extinction of dinosaurs.

From the given options, the correct answer is "A) He developed a method to detonate the atomic bomb." This means that Álvarez achieved the development of a method to detonate the atomic bomb.

First two are right, but I cannot comment on the last two.