I need 15 questions to ask an electrical engineer.

You should find plenty of questions in these sites.

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Sure, here are 15 questions you can ask an electrical engineer:

1. Can you briefly explain your role as an electrical engineer?
2. What are some common challenges you face in your work?
3. How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in electrical engineering?
4. Can you tell me about a project you worked on that you found particularly interesting or challenging?
5. What software or tools do you use regularly in your work?
6. Can you explain the process of designing and implementing an electrical system?
7. How do you ensure electrical systems meet safety standards and regulations?
8. What considerations do you take into account when designing electrical systems for different environments?
9. Can you give me an overview of your experience with power distribution systems?
10. How do you approach troubleshooting electrical issues or malfunctions?
11. What are some important factors to consider when working on renewable energy projects?
12. Can you share any insights or practices related to energy efficiency in electrical systems?
13. How do you collaborate with other professionals, such as civil or mechanical engineers, on projects?
14. Can you explain the differences between analog and digital circuits, and when to use each?
15. Do you have any advice for aspiring electrical engineers who are just starting their careers?

To get a more detailed answer and explanation from an electrical engineer, it's best to consult an expert or conduct an interview either in person, via email, or through a video call.