How come half the questions posted in here don't even get answered?

Where did you get that idea? Out of the 59 new questions posted between 4:50 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., today, only 9 were not answered. In other words, 85% were answered. And I'm willing to bet that some of the unanswered questions will be answered within the next 12 hours.

There could be several reasons why some questions posted here may not receive answers:

1. Lack of expertise: The users who browse this platform may not have sufficient knowledge or expertise on certain topics to answer the question accurately. As this platform is open to anyone, not all users may be well-versed in every subject.

2. Ambiguity or lack of detail: Sometimes, questions posted can be vague or lack sufficient details for others to provide a meaningful answer. To get a response, it is important to be clear, specific, and provide as much relevant information as possible.

3. Timing: The responsiveness on this platform depends on various factors, such as the availability of users, time zones, and the popularity of the question. If your question is posted during a low activity period or is not attracting much attention, it may take longer to receive an answer.

To increase the likelihood of getting your question answered:

1. Be clear and specific: Include all relevant details and context related to your question to give a better understanding to potential responders.

2. Use appropriate tags and categories: Ensure that you tag your question with the appropriate categories and tags, making it easier for the right users to find and answer your question.

3. Be patient: Sometimes it may take time for someone with the necessary expertise to come across your question. Give it some time and check back later.

4. Provide additional information: If your question has been posted for a while without any response, consider adding more details or clarifications to make it more engaging and increase the chances of getting an answer.

Remember, the participation and engagement on any online platform can vary, and not all questions may receive immediate answers.