Together, satellites and ground receivers enable people using ______

to pinpoint their geographic location.

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GPS or Geographic Positioning System

I don't know I think that it is actually GPS because that is what it says in my book so I guess if it helps...




GPS (Global Positioning System)

To answer this question, we need to understand how satellites and ground receivers work together to enable people to pinpoint their geographic location.

Satellites refer to man-made objects that orbit the Earth and are equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. These satellites emit signals that are received by ground receivers.

Ground receivers, also known as GPS receivers, are devices that can receive signals from multiple satellites simultaneously. They contain specialized circuitry and software that allow them to calculate the user's exact location on the Earth's surface.

So, when satellites and ground receivers work together, they enable people using GPS (Global Positioning System) to pinpoint their geographic location. The ground receiver picks up signals from multiple satellites, which provides it with enough information to calculate the user's latitude, longitude, and sometimes even altitude.

These GPS-enabled devices can be found in various forms, such as smartphones, car navigation systems, fitness trackers, and handheld GPS devices. They use the signals from satellites to accurately determine a user's location, aiding in navigation, mapping, and providing location-based services.

In summary, satellites and ground receivers working together through the GPS system enable people to pinpoint their geographic location. The satellites emit signals that are received by ground receivers, allowing users to determine their latitude and longitude coordinates.

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