What is one way you should NOT get a Deaf person's attention

wave your hands
snap your fingers***
tap lightly on the shoulder
lightly slap the table

To determine the one way you should NOT get a Deaf person's attention, we can consider the options provided and identify the inappropriate approach.

1. Wave your hands: This is a common method used to get a Deaf person's attention since they rely on visual cues. However, it is important to note that waving your hands alone may not be effective if the person is not looking in your direction or if there are distractions present.

2. Snap your fingers: This approach is not recommended as a way to get a Deaf person's attention. Snapping your fingers relies on an auditory stimulus, which those who are Deaf cannot perceive.

3. Tap lightly on the shoulder: This is generally considered an appropriate method as it involves physically getting the person's attention without being forceful or intrusive. However, it is always advisable to respect personal boundaries and preferences, so if a Deaf person has indicated that they do not appreciate being touched, alternative methods should be used.

4. Lightly slap the table: Slapping the table is not an appropriate method to gain a Deaf person's attention. It may startle or confuse them, and it does not effectively communicate your intent.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Snap your fingers.

One way you should NOT get a Deaf person's attention is by snapping your fingers.