A hand shape story

uses the same hand shape for most of the words***
uses many different hand shapes as possible
explains the meaning of a hand-shape
is signed with both hands


A hand shape story is a creative way to communicate using American Sign Language (ASL). In this method, the signer assigns specific hand shapes to represent different words or concepts. The hand shapes can be the same throughout the story, or they can vary depending on the specific words being signed. It's also common for signers to use both hands to enhance the storytelling experience.

To create a hand shape story, begin by selecting a hand shape to represent a specific word or idea. For example, you might choose a closed fist to represent the word "tree." As you tell the story, maintain this hand shape whenever you mention a tree in the narrative.

If you prefer to use a variety of hand shapes, you can assign a different shape to each word or concept you want to represent. For example, you can use an open palm to represent "hello," a flat hand for "table," and a curved hand for "cat." By switching between these hand shapes as you sign, you bring a visual and dynamic element to your storytelling.

Remember, the meanings of specific hand shapes in ASL cannot be fully explained without describing their exact formation and context. However, hand shapes generally involve the positioning and configuration of the fingers, palm, and hand as a whole.

Using both hands in a hand shape story allows for a more expressive and visually appealing performance. While one hand may maintain a specific hand shape to represent a consistent concept, the other hand can perform additional signs, gestures, or movements that complement the story.

By combining hand shapes, facial expressions, body movements, and the appropriate use of both hands, a hand shape story brings a unique and captivating form of communication to life.