Restorative justice is a new concept in the South Africa legal landscape.explain briefly what its intentions are in the process of human right violations

Restorative justice is not a new concept in the South Africa legal landscape. It emerged as a response to the human rights violations during apartheid and has since been a significant aspect of the country's legal framework.

The intention of restorative justice in the process of human rights violations is to foster healing, reconciliation, and rebuilding relationships between the victims, offenders, and communities affected by the wrongdoing. It aims to address the harm caused, give voice to those who have been marginalized, and promote social cohesion.

Restorative justice approaches focus on repairing the harm done to victims and communities rather than solely punishing offenders. It involves various practices, such as victim-offender mediation, community conferencing, and circles, where all parties come together to discuss the impact of the crime, seek understanding, negotiate reparations, and determine future actions.

By engaging in restorative justice processes, South Africa seeks to address the legacies of apartheid, promote a sense of justice, and rebuild trust within society. Restorative justice provides an alternative to the traditional punitive approach, emphasizing dialogue, empathy, and healing to create a more inclusive and just society.