I am completely lost on this one. How do I figure out what each letter stands for? Find all the solutions for this problem. each different letter stands for a different digit. letters that are the same stand for the same digit.


E + E = O

1 + 1 = 2

2 3 1 ONE
2 3 1 ONE

4 6 2 TWO

This is one possible solution, but there may be others.

To solve this problem, you need to find out the numerical value of each letter. Here's an approach to find the solutions:

1. Start by assigning a different digit (0-9) to each letter in the equation. Since "letters that are the same stand for the same digit", it means that identical letters will have the same value.

2. Examine the given equation: ONE + ONE = TWO. Let's consider the units digit (rightmost digit) in this case. It implies that E + E = O. Since the sum of two identical digits can't be an odd digit, we can conclude that E must be an even digit (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8) and O must be an even digit as well.

3. To continue solving this puzzle, let's assume a value for E (from the possible even digits) and explore further to see if it leads to a solution.

4. Consider the tens digit now: N + N + 1 (from carry) + O = E. Since two identical digits and a carry lead to an even digit, we know that N + N + 1 (carry) must be an odd digit. This leaves us with only two possibilities: N = 3 or N = 8, as these are the only combinations of two single-digit numbers that sum up to an odd digit.

5. Now, using the value of N, we can solve for the remaining letters: O, E, and T. Substitute N into the equation and determine the values for O, E, and T.

6. Check if the obtained solution satisfies the equation ONE + ONE = TWO.

7. Repeat the process with the other possibility for N (e.g., if N = 3, try N = 8) to find any additional solutions.

By following these steps and trying different digit values for each letter, you can find all the solutions for the problem.