After a 90% reduction, you purchase a DVD player on sale for $50. What was the original price of the DVD player?

To find the original price of the DVD player after a 90% reduction, we can use the formula:

Original Price = Sale Price / (1 - Reduction Percentage)

Given that the sale price is $50 and the reduction percentage is 90% (0.90), we can substitute these values into the formula:

Original Price = $50 / (1 - 0.90)

Original Price = $50 / 0.10

Original Price = $500

Therefore, the original price of the DVD player was $500.

To determine the original price of the DVD player, we can reverse the 90% reduction that was applied to the sale price.

Let's use a simple equation:

Original price - 90% reduction = Sale price

Let's denote the original price as 'P'. The 90% reduction can be represented as 0.9(P). And the sale price is given as $50.

So, the equation becomes:

P - 0.9(P) = $50

Now, we can solve for 'P':

P - 0.9P = $50

By combining like terms, we get:

0.1P = $50

To isolate 'P', we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.1:

P = $50 / 0.1

Performing the division, we find:

P = $500

Therefore, the original price of the DVD player was $500.

0.1x = 50

Solve for x.