find the area of prism 5 millimeters 6 meters 13 meters not drama scale.

A. 48 meters squared
B. 346 meters squared
C. 780 meters squared
D. 195 meters squared

To find the area of a prism, we need to consider the shape of its base.

Since you mentioned that it is not a "drama scale," I assume you meant "rectangular" or "cuboidal" prism, where the base is a rectangle.

The formula for finding the surface area of a rectangular prism is:

Surface Area = 2(length × width) + 2(length × height) + 2(width × height)

In this case, let's assume:
Length = 5 millimeters
Width = 6 meters (we'll convert it to millimeters for consistency)
Height = 13 meters (we'll convert it to millimeters too)

To find the area, we need to convert the width and height to millimeters:
1 meter = 1000 millimeters

Width = 6 meters × 1000 millimeters/meter = 6000 millimeters
Height = 13 meters × 1000 millimeters/meter = 13000 millimeters

Substituting these values into the formula, we have:

Surface Area = 2(5 mm × 6000 mm) + 2(5 mm × 13000 mm) + 2(6000 mm × 13000 mm)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Surface Area = 60000 mm² + 65000 mm² + 78000000 mm²

Adding all the terms together, we have:

Surface Area = 78000000 mm² + 125000 mm² + 60000 mm²
Surface Area = 78120000 mm² + 60000 mm²
Surface Area = 78180000 mm²

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C. 780 meters squared (after converting the unit to meters)

Note: Make sure to convert the units to ensure consistency before calculating the surface area.