Describe a recent corruption and fraud in the country making headlines in the media

Which of the 196 world countries do you mean?

South Africa

As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time news. However, I can explain how you can stay informed about recent corruption and fraud cases that are making headlines in the media.

1. News Sources: Regularly follow reputable news sources such as national and international newspapers, news websites, TV news channels, and radio broadcasts. They often report on significant corruption and fraud cases. Examples of renowned news outlets include CNN, BBC, The New York Times, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, and others.

2. Online News Aggregators: Visit online news aggregators like Google News or Yahoo News. These platforms compile news articles from various sources, allowing you to find information on recent corruption and fraud cases that have garnered media attention.

3. Social Media: Many news organizations have social media accounts on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Follow these accounts to get updates on emerging corruption and fraud cases. Additionally, you can join relevant communities or groups focusing on investigative journalism or anti-corruption efforts to stay informed.

4. Investigative Journalism Platforms: Explore platforms known for their investigative journalism, such as ProPublica or Panama Papers. These organizations often publish in-depth articles and reports on corruption and fraud cases that may not receive widespread coverage in mainstream media.

5. Transparency International: Check the website of Transparency International (TI), a global non-profit organization that tracks corruption worldwide. TI publishes research, reports, and indices related to corruption, which can help you stay informed about recent cases in various countries.

Remember to critically evaluate and cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and avoid relying solely on a single perspective.