which answer best describes andrew johnson's relationship with the radical republicans?

A:he founded the radical Republican movement
B: he worked with the radical Republicans to pass important legislation
C: you frequently voted legislation presented by the radical Republicans
D: he joined the radical Republicans movement when he became president.

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this is the text and anwsers can someone help me

Radical Republicans had two main goals. First, they wanted to break the power of wealthy planters who had long ruled the South. Second, they wanted to ensure that freedmen received the right to vote. They used legislative reforms, or changes in laws, to achieve their goals.

Which of the following is an example of how Radical Republicans sought to achieve their goals?

denying wealthy planters the right to vote

working to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment

developing a speedy process to readmit southern states

ensuring that African Americans could outvote their former owners

The answer that best describes Andrew Johnson's relationship with the Radical Republicans is C: he frequently vetoed legislation presented by the Radical Republicans.

To arrive at this answer, we can consider Johnson's tenure as president during the Reconstruction era. Andrew Johnson, who became president after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, had a contentious relationship with the Radical Republicans in Congress. The Radical Republicans were a faction within the Republican Party who advocated for more aggressive policies in terms of civil rights and reconstruction of the South after the Civil War.

Johnson's approach to Reconstruction clashed with the goals of the Radical Republicans, which led to frequent disagreement and conflict. He consistently vetoed legislation proposed by the Radical Republicans, such as the Civil Rights Act and the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, which aimed to protect the rights of formerly enslaved individuals and ensure their successful transition to freedom.

This strained relationship between Johnson and the Radical Republicans eventually led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. Although he was not removed from office by the Senate, the impeachment proceedings further highlighted the deep divide between Johnson and the Radical Republicans.

what text? there is none

Answers are:

1.) A & D
2.) D
3.) C
4.) D