3.)Which answer best explains the effect of the invention of the cotton gin on slave labor in the South?

A.)The cotton gin made it possible to plant cotton in even the hardest soil. Because of this, cotton could be grown everywhere, & the labor increased into new territories.
B.)The cotton gin allowed for the same amount of cotton to be harvested by fewer workers. this allowed slave owners to put slaves to work doing more technically advanced work
C.)The cotton gin allowed for seeds to be removed from cotton very efficiently. cotton became profitable, & plantation owners used slave labor to grow & harvest as much as possible
D.)The cotton gin made the process of making cloth from cotton easier for factories in the North. The factories demanded more cotton, and Southern farmers used slave labor ro fill that demand


It's not both C and D. What does your text say?

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to evaluate each option and identify the one that best explains the effect of the cotton gin on slave labor in the South.

Option A states that the cotton gin made it possible to plant cotton in even the hardest soil, which increased labor into new territories. However, it does not directly address the effect on slave labor.

Option B suggests that the cotton gin allowed for the same amount of cotton to be harvested by fewer workers, enabling slave owners to assign slaves to more advanced tasks. While this implies a potential shift in labor, it does not explicitly address how it affected slave labor overall.

Option C states that the cotton gin efficiently removed seeds from cotton, making cotton profitable and leading plantation owners to use slave labor to maximize production. This option acknowledges the impact on slave labor and highlights how it contributed to the growth of the cotton industry.

Option D suggests that the cotton gin made cloth production easier for Northern factories, increasing the demand for cotton. While this option hints at the potential increase in demand and the use of slave labor to meet it, it primarily focuses on the effect on Northern factories rather than on slave labor in the South.

Based on the analysis, option C is the best choice as it directly addresses the impact of the cotton gin on slave labor in the South and explains how it fueled the profitability of cotton and the use of slave labor for growing and harvesting it.