What is an example of a stable system?

How were you able to determine whether or not this system is stable?
I really appreciate your help!


A stable system is one in which any input or perturbation remains bounded and does not grow indefinitely over time. An example of a stable system could be a well-designed control system for a robot arm, where the robotic arm maintains its desired position despite external disturbances.

To determine whether a system is stable, there are several methods you can use depending on the specific system. One common approach is to analyze the system's transfer function or state-space representation, if available. By examining the poles (or eigenvalues) of the system, you can determine if they are all located in the left-half plane of the complex plane. If all poles have negative real parts, then the system is stable.

Another method often used is checking the Bode plot or frequency response of the system. If the magnitude of the frequency response remains bounded for all frequencies, then the system is considered stable.

Simulation and numerical techniques can also be utilized to evaluate stability. By simulating the system's behavior over time or performing stability analysis using tools like stability criteria or Lyapunov functions, you can verify if the system remains stable under different conditions.

It's important to note that the stability of a system is context-dependent and can vary based on the specific requirements and constraints of the problem. So, it's crucial to consider different analysis techniques and choose the appropriate one according to the characteristics of the system.