You invest $230 to start a sandwich stand and decide to charge $4.25 per sandwich.

How much money will you make if you sell 75 sandwiches?

4.25 x 75 = $318.75

Profit = $88.75

To calculate how much money you will make if you sell 75 sandwiches, you need to multiply the price per sandwich by the number of sandwiches sold.

The price per sandwich is $4.25, and you sold a total of 75 sandwiches. To find the total revenue, you can multiply these two values together:

Total Revenue = Price per sandwich * Number of sandwiches sold

Total Revenue = $4.25 * 75

To find the answer, you can now perform the multiplication:

Total Revenue = $318.75

Therefore, you will make $318.75 if you sell 75 sandwiches.

To calculate the amount of money you will make after selling 75 sandwiches, you need to find the total revenue generated.

Step 1: Calculate the total revenue:
Total revenue = Price per sandwich x Number of sandwiches sold
Total revenue = $4.25 x 75

Step 2: Calculate the total revenue:
Total revenue = $318.75

Therefore, you will make $318.75 if you sell 75 sandwiches.