shooting basketball jump shots from different sports around the key is an example of which type of practice?

We're shooting basketball jump shots while playing volleyball, football, and soccer? What?

Stll Basketball! you're only doing jump shots from different angle is all.

Shooting basketball jump shots from different spots around the key is an example of a type of practice known as "random practice". In random practice, the practice tasks are varied and presented in a random order, and they often simulate game-like conditions and scenarios. Random practice helps to develop skills such as decision-making, adaptability, and transfer of learning to real-game situations.

To be precise, to determine the type of practice, we need to consider two dimensions: variability and contextual interference. Variability refers to the range of skills or variations within a practice session, while contextual interference refers to the level of interference or disruption between practice trials.

When it comes to shooting basketball jump shots from different spots around the key, we see variability because you are practicing different shots from various positions. Additionally, contextual interference is present because you are switching between different shooting positions, which can disrupt the learning process by requiring constant adjustment and decision-making.

Therefore, based on these factors, shooting basketball jump shots from different spots around the key can be classified as random practice.