Gunny has a sheet of plywood that is 4 feet by 8 feet she wants to saw the plywood into pieces 1 foot high and 2 feet long for signs

How many signs can she make with the sheet of plywood?

4*8 = 32

1*2 = 2

32/2 = 16


To find out how many signs Gunny can make with the sheet of plywood, we need to determine the number of 1 foot by 2 feet pieces that can be cut from the plywood.

Given that the plywood sheet is 4 feet by 8 feet, we can calculate the number of 2 feet long pieces that can be cut horizontally by dividing the length of the plywood by 2:

8 feet / 2 feet = 4 pieces

Similarly, we can calculate the number of 1 foot high pieces that can be cut vertically by dividing the width of the plywood by 1:

4 feet / 1 foot = 4 pieces

To find the total number of signs, we multiply the number of horizontal pieces by the number of vertical pieces:

4 pieces * 4 pieces = 16 signs

Therefore, Gunny can make 16 signs with the sheet of plywood.