subtract 2x^2+5x-10

then place the answer in the proper location on the grid

Subtract 2x^2+5x-10 (from?)


(3x^2-x+9) - (2x^2+5x-10) =
x^2 -6x + 19

What grid?

I suspect the subtraction problem is


To subtract the expressions 2x^2+5x-10 from 3x^2-x+9, we need to combine like terms.

First, let's align the terms:

3x^2 - x + 9
- 2x^2 + 5x - 10

Now, we can subtract each coefficient (the number in front of the variable) and keep the exponent the same.

Starting with the highest degree term, which is x^2:

3x^2 - 2x^2 = 1x^2 or x^2

Next, for the x term:

-x + 5x = 4x

Finally, for the constant term:

9 - (-10) = 19

So the simplified expression is:

x^2 + 4x + 19.

To place the answer on a grid, you will need a proper grid or coordinate plane with designated spots for the x and y coordinates. Without a visual representation, it's hard to provide specific instructions. However, generally, you would plot the coordinates of the terms in the expression (x^2, x, and the constant term) on the grid based on their respective values.