Austin is watching a football game. His team loses 9 yards and then gains 5 yards. He doesn't watch the next play, but afterward, he sees that his team now has a total loss of 1 yard. How many yards did the team gain or lose on the play Austin missed?

-9 + 5 + x = -1

-4 + x = -1

x = +3


To find out how many yards the team gained or lost on the play Austin missed, we need to calculate the net change in yards.

First, the team loses 9 yards.

Loss = -9 yards

Then, the team gains 5 yards.

Gain = +5 yards

The total change in yards after these two plays is the sum of the loss and gain:

Total change = (-9) + (+5) = -4 yards

We're given that after the play Austin missed, the team has a total loss of 1 yard. So, if we subtract the total change from the 1-yard loss, we can find the gain/loss on the play Austin missed:

Play Austin missed = 1 yard loss - (-4) yard change
Play Austin missed = 1 + 4 = 5 yards

Therefore, the team gained or lost 5 yards on the play Austin missed.

To figure out how many yards the team gained or lost on the play Austin missed, we need to calculate the difference between the total loss before Austin missed the play and the total loss after Austin saw the game again.

First, let's calculate the total loss before Austin missed the play. We know that the team lost 9 yards and then gained 5 yards. So, the total loss before Austin missed the play is 9 yards - 5 yards = 4 yards.

Now, we need to calculate the total loss after Austin saw the game again. We know that the total loss is 1 yard.

To find out how many yards the team gained or lost on the play Austin missed, we need to determine the difference between the total loss before and after Austin missed the play.

Difference = Total Loss after Austin saw the game again - Total Loss before Austin missed the play

Difference = 1 yard - 4 yards

Difference = -3 yards

Therefore, the team lost 3 yards on the play Austin missed.