2) What phenomenon naturally warms Earth's lower atmosphere and surface?

• the formation of sunspots
• changes in the shape of Earth's orbit
• global warming (MY ANSWER)
• the greenhouse effect

3) Which of the following is an example of human impact on climate changes?

• the greenhouse effect (MY ANSWER)
• changes in solar output
• global warming
• changes in the tilt of Earth's axis

Cheater is right thx

1. Changes in the shape of Earth's orbit

2. The greenhouse effect
3. Global warming

Answers are for Unit 4 Lesson 7 Climate Changes.

they would be reverse

Yes show si yay!!🤑🤑🤑

2) The phenomenon that naturally warms Earth's lower atmosphere and surface is the greenhouse effect. To understand this, we need to know that the Earth's atmosphere acts as a sort of blanket that traps heat from the sun, allowing the planet to maintain a suitable temperature for life. The greenhouse effect occurs due to certain gases in the atmosphere called greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor) that absorb and re-emit heat energy, keeping Earth warm. This natural phenomenon is essential for supporting life on Earth.

• Formation of sunspots: Sunspots are dark areas that appear on the surface of the sun due to concentrated magnetic activity. While sunspots can impact the amount of solar energy reaching Earth, they do not directly warm the lower atmosphere and surface.

• Changes in the shape of Earth's orbit: Over incredibly long periods of time, Earth's orbit around the sun does change. This phenomenon, known as orbital variations or Milankovitch cycles, affects the distribution of solar energy received by different parts of Earth throughout the year. These changes have a significant influence on Earth's climate over geological time scales but are not responsible for the day-to-day warming of the lower atmosphere and surface.

• Global warming: Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature, primarily caused by human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. While global warming is a consequence of the greenhouse effect, it is not the natural phenomenon that directly warms the lower atmosphere and surface.

3) The example of human impact on climate changes is indeed the greenhouse effect. As mentioned earlier, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps regulate Earth's temperature. However, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, have significantly increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This excess accumulation of greenhouse gases intensifies the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming and climate change.

• Changes in solar output: Changes in the output of energy from the sun certainly influence Earth's climate. However, human activities have a more significant impact on climate changes than natural variations in solar output alone.

• Global warming: As mentioned earlier, global warming is a consequence of the greenhouse effect, but it is not an example of human impact on climate changes. While human activities contribute to global warming, they are not the only factor responsible for changes in Earth's climate.

• Changes in the tilt of Earth's axis: Changes in Earth's axial tilt (obliquity) occur over long periods, typically due to gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies. These changes affect the distribution of solar radiation and can influence Earth's climate, but human influence on climate changes is more directly linked to greenhouse gas emissions.

In summary, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that warms Earth's lower atmosphere and surface. However, human activities significantly contribute to the intensification of the greenhouse effect, resulting in global warming and climate change.

Both answers are wrong.

then what is the answer