The table shows the results of rolling a number cube labeled one through six 50 times.

number rolled: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Frequency: 7, 9, 11, 6, 9, 8

What is the experimental probability of rolling 3?

I know its 0.22

wait no fluttershyk22 is nvm XD

To calculate the experimental probability of rolling a 3, you need to determine the number of times a 3 was rolled out of the total number of rolls.

Looking at the table, you can see that the number 3 was rolled 11 times out of a total of 50 rolls.

To find the experimental probability, you divide the number of times the specific outcome occurred (11) by the total number of trials (50).

So, the experimental probability of rolling a 3 is 11/50, which is equal to 0.22.

Therefore, the correct answer is 0.22.

The number 3 was rolled 11 times out of 50.

Divide. What answer do you find?



ms sue is right