A recipe calls for 3/4cup rice how many cups of rice are needed to make the recipe 14times

i need help with this just help me with this please

(3/4) * 14 = ________ cups

A recipe calls for 3/4cups rice.h ow many cups of rice are needed to make the recipe 14 times

Hi help me please

To calculate the total amount of rice needed to make the recipe 14 times, we need to multiply the amount of rice required for one recipe by the number of times the recipe is made.

First, let's convert 3/4 cup to a decimal. To do this, we divide 3 by 4: 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75

Now, we can calculate the total amount of rice required for one recipe multiplied by the number of times the recipe is made:

0.75 cups of rice per recipe × 14 recipes = 10.5 cups of rice

Therefore, to make the recipe 14 times, you will need 10.5 cups of rice.