a map with a scale of 1cm to 5km has an area of 405cmsquare. what is the actual area of this map on the ground?

the scale is 1cm:5km

the area scale is thus 1cm^2:25km^2

multiply that by 405, and you have

405cm^2 : 10125km^2

the scale is 1 cm:5 km

the area scale thus 1 cm^2:25 km^2

multiply that by 405, and you have

405 cm^2:10125km^2

Calculate the acruel length of this straigth section. Map is 1cm to 5km . Canal is 3.5 cm long

To find the actual area of the map on the ground, we need to convert the given scale and the measured area on the map to real-world measurements. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the conversion factor:
The given scale is 1cm to 5km.
Since we want to find the area, the conversion factor for distance will be squared.
1cm = 5km
1cm * 1cm = 5km * 5km
1cm^2 = 25km^2

Step 2: Calculate the real-world area:
The measured area on the map is 405cm^2.
To convert this to square kilometers, we multiply it by the conversion factor from Step 1:
405cm^2 * 25km^2/cm^2 = 10,125km^2

Therefore, the actual area of the map on the ground is 10,125 square kilometers.