during her time in the secret Annex, Anne demonstrates that she is a unique and remarkable young person with many dimensions to her character. in an essay, explain what makes Anne a complex character. include details from the diary of Anne frank, act 1 and act 2 in your essay

Seriously, don't copy this exactly and use it as your answer. Re-write it in your own words. But yeah, here ya go my dudes.

I believed that Anne was a unique and a remarkable person because she was very vocal, very observant and a very wise girl for her age. She knew things that not many girls know. She was not naive. She was a very loving child, happy, contented, and she was loved by the people surrounding her. During the time that she and her family hid in the secret annex, she accepted that things in the past cannot be done in their current situation. She did not complain even if she only got to eat canned peas every day.

@mr.sue = 0 help

Jiskha; where you can find tutors, but all they do is tell you to re-read the material.

VERY helpful.

*cough cough* that was sarcasm *cough cough*

@fr? dude its not deep chill out



Thanks @Ciel-Phantomhive

*Cough* Idc *Cough*

anyways.. Thanks @Ciel-Phantomhive
Appreciate it :)

can you help me write the essay

Thanks, this was really helpful.

shmoop diary of anne frank summary

This should help it tells you about all the changes anne goes through in her character.