In which of these lines is the meaning of the word "intercede" best expressed?

A) the attacker interceded between the goal and the goalie.

B) In court cases, attorneys intercede on their clients behalf.****

C) If you don't agree with someone, you should try to intercede.

D) In a conversation you should try to avoid interceding with the other person.

Is my answer correct?

Yes, B.

B is correct

Yes, your answer is correct. The line that best expresses the meaning of the word "intercede" is B) In court cases, attorneys intercede on their clients behalf.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the meaning of the word "intercede" and then analyze how it is used in each line.

According to the dictionary, "intercede" means to intervene on behalf of someone in a dispute or to plead on someone's behalf.

In line A), the word "interceded" is used to describe how the attacker positioned themselves between the goal and the goalie, which does not match the definition of the word.

In line C), the word "intercede" is used in a different context, suggesting that if you don't agree with someone, you should try to mediate or negotiate, rather than directly represent their interests.

In line D), the word "interceding" is used in a context of interrupting a conversation, which also does not align with the definition of the word.

However, in line B), the word "intercede" is used to describe how attorneys act on behalf of their clients in court cases, which matches the definition of the word. Therefore, line B) is the correct answer.