This quote from “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman shows the poem is what kind?

A. Lyric
B. Haiku
C. Couplet
D. Sonnet

Which quote?

What do you think?



To determine the kind of poem, we can analyze the given quote from "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman. However, it's important to note that determining the specific kind of poem requires considering the overall structure, rhyme scheme, and other devices used in the entire poem. Nevertheless, let's analyze the quote you provided.

"I Hear America Singing" is a well-known poem by Walt Whitman, who was famous for his exploration of free verse in his poetry. Here is the opening line of the poem:

"I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,"

From this quote, we can observe that the quoted line does not follow any specific rhyme scheme or meter. It is not a couplet, which consists of two lines with rhyming end words, nor is it a haiku, which is a traditional Japanese poem structure of three lines with syllable patterns. Additionally, it doesn't follow the structure of a sonnet, which typically has 14 lines with specific rhyme schemes.

Given these observations, we can eliminate options B, C, and D (Haiku, Couplet, and Sonnet) from the choices. Therefore, the answer is A. Lyric, as "I Hear America Singing" is generally classified as a lyric poem. Lyric poetry is subjective and emotional, often exploring personal feelings and experiences, which aligns with Whitman's style in this particular poem. However, for a comprehensive analysis, it is important to consider the entirety of the poem rather than just a single quote.