Choose the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the following sentence.

Someone left me a _____ message on my voicemail; I had no idea what it meant.



Well, if someone left you a message on your voicemail that you had no idea what it meant, I'd say it was definitely a cryptic message. Those cryptic messages can be pretty puzzling, can't they? Maybe they were trying to be funny or secretive. Who knows? It's like receiving a riddle with no answer key.

The correct vocabulary word for the blank in the sentence is "cryptic".

To determine the correct vocabulary word for the blank in the sentence, it's important to understand the meanings of the words given as options.

1. Cryptic: This word means mysterious or puzzling, often difficult to understand or interpret. It is often used to describe messages or writings that are intentionally obscure or secretive. In the context of the sentence, it seems like a suitable word choice as it indicates that the message on the voicemail was difficult to comprehend.

2. Boisterous: This word describes something or someone noisy, energetic, or enthusiastic. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as it is not related to the idea of a confusing message on a voicemail.

3. Petulant: This word refers to someone who is easily irritated, impatient, or moody. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as it does not imply a puzzling message.

4. Jovial: This word means cheerful, happy, or full of good humor. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as it describes a positive sentiment rather than a confusing message.

Based on the choices provided, the most appropriate vocabulary word for the blank in the sentence is "cryptic," as it conveys the idea of a message that is mysterious or difficult to understand.