experimental probability predict the number of times you will roll a 5 if you roll the number cube 300 times.


experimental probability that two out of the first three students to arrive at the school are girls.

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To predict the number of times you will roll a 5 if you roll the number cube 300 times, you need to understand experimental probability. Experimental probability is based on the results of an experiment or trial, and it represents the likelihood of an event occurring based on the data collected from that trial.

In this case, you need to know the experimental probability of rolling a 5 on the number cube. To find this, you can divide the number of times you rolled a 5 by the total number of rolls.

So, if you roll the number cube 300 times, you would need to keep track of how many times you rolled a 5, and then divide that number by 300 to find the experimental probability of rolling a 5.

Regarding the second question, to find the experimental probability that two out of the first three students to arrive at the school are girls, you would need to count how many times that specific outcome occurs and divide it by the total number of trials or scenarios.

However, the options provided in your question do not indicate the number of times the specific outcome occurred. Therefore, I'm unable to provide the correct answer or correct you.