Days 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Lions (number) 1272 1523 1152 891 1284 1543 1128 917 1185
Deer (number) 39 47 63 54 37 48 60 46 40

Find a sin Equation for Lions and deer. use this model. Thanks!
y=k + A sin (Bx+C)

for Lions, assuming that all points lie on the curve,

k + Asin(0+C) = 1272
k + Asin(2B+C) = 1523
k + Asin(4B+C) = 1152
k + Asin(6B+C) = 891

I'd start by noting that

sin(C) = (1272-k)/A

Now you can find cos(C) and then use the sum formulas to expand the other sines.