In trail mix the ratio of cups of peanuts to cups of chocolate is 3 to 2. How much chocolate would be needed if you had 1 or 5 cups of peanuts?


To find the amount of chocolate needed if you have 1 cup of peanuts, you can use the given ratio of 3 cups of peanuts to 2 cups of chocolate.

Step 1: Set up the ratio:

3 cups of peanuts : 2 cups of chocolate

Step 2: Set up a proportion:

3 cups of peanuts / 2 cups of chocolate = 1 cup of peanuts / x cups of chocolate

The proportion compares the number of peanuts to the number of chocolates in both scenarios.

Step 3: Cross-multiply and solve for x:

3x = 2 * 1
3x = 2
x = 2/3

Therefore, you would need approximately 2/3 of a cup of chocolate if you have 1 cup of peanuts.

Now, let's find the amount of chocolate needed if you have 5 cups of peanuts.

Step 1: Set up the ratio:

3 cups of peanuts : 2 cups of chocolate

Step 2: Set up a proportion:

3 cups of peanuts / 2 cups of chocolate = 5 cups of peanuts / x cups of chocolate

Step 3: Cross-multiply and solve for x:

3x = 2 * 5
3x = 10
x = 10/3

Therefore, you would need approximately 10/3 or 3 1/3 cups of chocolate if you have 5 cups of peanuts.

3 : 2 = 1 : 2/3 = 5 : 10/3

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