an anagram of a word is obtained by permuting its letters.

a-how many anagrams does the word "MAIRE" have
b-Same question for the word "OISEAU"

if all you want is permutations of the letters,

MAIRE: 5! = 120
OISEAU: 6! = 720

If you want your anagrams to be actual words, then of course there will be a lot fewer. Better get a good French dictionary.

To find the number of anagrams for a word, we need to calculate the number of ways we can arrange its letters.

For the word "MAIRE":
a) The word "MAIRE" has 5 letters. To find the number of possible arrangements, we use the formula for permutations of a word with repeat letters. Since the letter 'I' appears twice, we divide the total arrangements by 2 to account for the repeated arrangement.

Total arrangements = 5! / (2!) = (5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) / (2 * 1) = 60 / 2 = 30

So, the word "MAIRE" has 30 anagrams.

For the word "OISEAU":
b) The word "OISEAU" has 6 letters. Similarly, we use the permutation formula.

Total arrangements = 6! = (6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) = 720

So, the word "OISEAU" has 720 anagrams.