which equation is true?

square root 8^2=4
square root 6^2=24
square root 5^2=5
square root 3^2=81
please help

5^2 = 25

sqrt 25 = 5
Therefore, option 3

thank you

To determine which equation is true, we need to evaluate each equation and find the correct answer.

1. square root (8^2) = 4
The value inside the square root is 8^2, which equals 64. Taking the square root of 64 gives us 8, not 4. So this equation is not true.

2. square root (6^2) = 24
The value inside the square root is 6^2, which equals 36. Taking the square root of 36 gives us 6, not 24. So this equation is not true.

3. square root (5^2) = 5
The value inside the square root is 5^2, which equals 25. Taking the square root of 25 gives us 5, which matches the right side of the equation. So this equation is true.

4. square root (3^2) = 81
The value inside the square root is 3^2, which equals 9. Taking the square root of 9 gives us 3, not 81. So this equation is not true.

So, the equation that is true is square root (5^2) = 5.