I have a 92 average right now. I got a 93 on a major grade test, but my teacher has not posted the grade in Skyward yet. Will my average get lower or higher?

That depends upon how many grades have gone into the 92 average and how the test was weighted.

It's likely your grade hasn't changed.

It might go up one

To determine whether your average will get lower or higher, we need to consider how this new grade will impact your overall average.

First, we need to know how much this major grade test is worth in relation to your other grades. For example, if your average is calculated based on all equally weighted assignments, then each grade would have the same impact on your overall average.

Assuming all grades have equal weight, we can calculate how the new grade will affect your average by doing the following:

1. Multiply your current average (92) by the number of assignments currently included in your average.
2. Add this product to the current total of your grades before the major grade test.
3. Add the major grade test score (93) to the total.
4. Calculate the new average by dividing the updated total by the number of assignments, including the major grade test.

Using this calculation, we can compare the old and new averages to determine whether your average will get lower or higher.

Please note that if the major grade test is weighted differently or if your teacher has a specific grading system, this calculation may vary. To get a precise answer, it would be best to know the exact grading weightage and get your teacher's input.