the pay per text plan charges $10 per month and $0.10 for each text message. write a function that models this plan, stating what your varible represent

the cost c for m messages is

c(m) = 10.00 + 0.10m


To write a function that models the pay per text plan, we can define the following variables:

- `monthly_charge`: Represents the fixed monthly charge of $10.
- `text_charge`: Represents the cost per text message, which is $0.10.

The function can be written as follows:

def calculate_cost(num_texts):
monthly_charge = 10
text_charge = 0.10
total_cost = monthly_charge + (num_texts * text_charge)
return total_cost

This function `calculate_cost(num_texts)` takes the number of text messages `num_texts` as input and calculates the total cost for the pay per text plan using the given monthly charge and cost per text. The function returns the total cost.

To model the pay per text plan, we can write a function that takes the number of text messages as input and calculates the total cost using the given charges.

Let's define our function in python:

def calculate_cost(num_texts):
monthly_charge = 10
text_charge = 0.10

total_cost = monthly_charge + (num_texts * text_charge)

return total_cost

In this function:
- `num_texts` represents the number of text messages the user wants to send or has sent.
- `monthly_charge` represents the fixed charge of $10 per month.
- `text_charge` represents the cost per text message, which is $0.10.
- `total_cost` is calculated by adding the fixed monthly charge to the product of the number of text messages and the per-text charge.

To use this function, simply call it and pass the desired number of text messages as an argument:

cost = calculate_cost(50)

This will calculate the total cost for sending 50 text messages based on the given charges.