Jupiter is 5.2 AU from the sun. What is its distance from the sun in kilometers?

28,846 km
78,000 km
28,846,153 km
780,000,000 km

is it d pls help

To find the distance of Jupiter from the Sun in kilometers, we need to know the value of 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) in kilometers.

1 AU is defined as the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, which is approximately 149.6 million kilometers.

Now, we can calculate the distance of Jupiter from the Sun:

Distance in kilometers = Distance in AU * 1 AU (in kilometers)

Given that Jupiter is 5.2 AU from the Sun, the calculation becomes:

Distance in kilometers = 5.2 AU * (149.6 million km/AU)

Simplifying the calculation:

Distance in kilometers = 774.92 million kilometers

Rounding the result to the nearest value, the distance of Jupiter from the Sun in kilometers is approximately 780 million kilometers.

So, the correct option is:

780,000,000 km