Need to figure out surface area of 144 times larger than 1928^2.


Answer in feet^2.

My equation is SA = (1928in^2) (144^2)
= 1928 x 20736
= 39,979,008 / 12in^2
= 3,331,584 ft^2

the correct answer is 251,712ft^2

can't seem to get it..........

To determine the surface area that is 144 times larger than 1928 square inches, we need to multiply 1928 by 144^2 (or 144 squared), and then convert the result from square inches to square feet.

Here's the correct process step by step:

1. Start with the initial surface area: SA = 1928 in^2

2. Calculate the scaled surface area: SA' = SA x (144^2)

In this case, SA' = 1928 in^2 x (144^2) = 1928 in^2 x 20736

Now we have the scaled surface area in square inches.

3. Convert the scaled surface area from square inches to square feet:

There are 144 square inches in one square foot (12 inches x 12 inches).

So, to convert from square inches to square feet, divide the scaled surface area by 144:

SA'' = SA' / 144

Using the calculated value from step 2, SA'' = 39,979,008 in^2 / 144

Simplifying, SA'' = 277,107.556 ft^2

Based on the calculation above, the correct answer for the surface area 144 times larger than 1928 square inches is approximately 277,107.556 square feet (rounded to the nearest square foot).

It seems that the provided answer of 251,712ft^2 is incorrect.