Which is equivalent to the inequality shown below?

z/2 (less than equal too) - 15

a, x (x greater than equal too) - 7.5
b. x (less than or equal too)-7.5
c. x (greater than equal too) - 30
d. x (less than equal too) - 30
How do I solve this problem

Multiply both sides of the inequality by 2.

x <= -30, which is D.

To solve the inequality z/2 ≤ -15, we need to isolate the variable z. Here are the steps you can follow:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the inequality by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
(z/2) * 2 ≤ -15 * 2
z ≤ -30

Step 2: Now that you have the value of z, you can compare it to the answer choices provided to determine which inequality is equivalent.

Let's go through the answer choices one by one:
a. x ≥ -7.5: This inequality is not equivalent to z ≤ -30, so it is not the answer.
b. x ≤ -7.5: This inequality is not equivalent to z ≤ -30, so it is not the answer.
c. x ≥ 30: This inequality is not equivalent to z ≤ -30, so it is not the answer.
d. x ≤ 30: This inequality is equivalent to z ≤ -30, so it's the correct answer.

Therefore, the equivalent inequality to z/2 ≤ -15 is x ≤ 30, which corresponds to option d.