identify three human right violation or discrimination

See the Related Questions below.

What three have you identified, and when, and where?

To identify three human rights violations or discrimination, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand what human rights violations and discrimination mean: Human rights violations refer to actions or policies that infringe upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, as outlined in international human rights law. Discrimination, on the other hand, is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on factors like race, gender, religion, nationality, etc.

2. Research media sources: One way to find examples of human rights violations or discrimination is by reading news articles or reports from reputable sources. Look for incidents where individuals' rights have been violated or cases where discriminatory practices are exposed.

3. Look for reports from human rights organizations: Various organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the United Nations Human Rights Council publish well-documented reports on human rights violations and discrimination worldwide. Visit their websites or search for their reports to find specific examples.

4. Review international human rights standards: Familiarize yourself with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights conventions and treaties. This will help you identify violations or discrimination when you come across them in your research.

Examples of three human rights violations or discrimination could include:
a) Racial discrimination: Instances where individuals or groups face prejudice or unequal treatment based on their race or ethnicity.
b) Gender-based violence: Violence or mistreatment targeting individuals based on their gender, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, or honor killings.
c) Religious persecution: Discrimination or human rights abuses against individuals or groups due to their religious beliefs, including restrictions on freedom of worship or targeted violence.

Remember, understanding human rights violations and discrimination requires ongoing research and awareness of global issues.