Wendy is 8 years old. The product of Wendy's and Andy's age is 80. What is Andy's age?

andy is 10

To find Andy's age, we can set up an equation using the information given. Let's assume Andy's age is represented by 'A'.

According to the given information, Wendy's age is 8 years. Therefore, we can say Wendy's age is 8.

The product of Wendy's age and Andy's age is given as 80. So, we can write the equation as:

8 * A = 80

To solve for A, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 8:

(8 * A) / 8 = 80 / 8

This simplifies to:

A = 10

Therefore, Andy's age is 10 years.

8 times what = 80?