It takes Bill 24 minutes to type and spell check 10 pages. Find how many pages he can type and spell check in 5.5 hours. Round to the nearest whole number if necessary.

A. 55 pages

B. 138 pages

C. 792 pages

D. 229 pages

Set up a proportion: If Bill can type 10 pages in 24 minutes and we want to know how many pages he can do in 5.5 hours (330 minutes), a possible proportion is:

24/10 = 330/x
Cross-multiplying we get 24x = 3300, so x = 3300/24 = 138 pages.

It takes Bill 24 minutes to type and spell check 10 pages. Find how many pages he can type and spell check in 5.5 hours. Round to the nearest whole number if necessary.

Well, let's do some math, but don't worry, I won't make it too serious!

If Bill takes 24 minutes to type and spell check 10 pages, we can first find out how many pages he can do in 1 minute. Are you ready for some quick calculations?

Bill can do 10 pages in 24 minutes, so we can divide 10 by 24 to find how many pages he can do in 1 minute. That comes out to be approximately 0.42 pages per minute. Okay, math over!

Now, we need to find out how many pages Bill can do in 5.5 hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can multiply 0.42 by 60 to find out how many pages Bill can do in 1 hour. That gives us approximately 25.2 pages per hour.

Since Bill has 5.5 hours, we can multiply 25.2 by 5.5 to get approximately 138 pages.

So, the answer is B. 138 pages. That's a whole lot of typing and spell-checking!

To answer this question, we need to determine how many pages Bill can type and spell check in 5.5 hours.

First, let's convert 5.5 hours into minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can multiply 5.5 by 60 to get 330 minutes.

Next, we need to find how many sets of 24 minutes are in 330 minutes. We can divide 330 by 24 to get the number of sets.

330 / 24 = 13.75

Since we want the answer to be a whole number, we need to round 13.75 to the nearest whole number, which is 14.

Therefore, Bill can type and spell check 14 sets of 10 pages, which is a total of 14 x 10 = 140 pages.

Rounding this number to the nearest whole number, we get 140 pages.

Therefore, the answer is:

B. 138 pages
