In 1995-96 academic year there were 86,087 bachelor degrees awarded. That number fell to 71,261 for 2002-2003 school year. In 2008-09 it rose to 120,488 .

How much greater was the percent increase from 2003 to 2009?
How much was the percent decrease from 1996 to 2003?

(120,488 - 71,261) / 71,261 = 0.69079861354 = 69.1% increase

Do the same to find the percent decrease.

To find the percent increase from 2003 to 2009, we need to calculate the difference between the two numbers and then divide it by the original number (2003) and multiply by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the numbers: 120,488 - 71,261 = 49,227

Step 2: Divide the difference by the original number and multiply by 100: (49,227 / 71,261) * 100 = 69%

Therefore, the percent increase from 2003 to 2009 is 69%.

Now, let's calculate the percent decrease from 1996 to 2003.

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the numbers: 71,261 - 86,087 = -14,826

Step 2: Divide the difference by the original number (1996) and multiply by 100: (-14,826 / 86,087) * 100 ≈ -17.22

Therefore, the percent decrease from 1996 to 2003 is approximately 17.22%.